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We Help Gardens Thrive!

About Auction

As a production facility, we do not have the luxury to buy the numbers of products we need at a certain time. To help all our customers both B2B as B2C, we produce amounts of products we think we need depending on the season, in the majority of cases we produce a few percent more than we think we need and in accordance of the capacities of our lab. In some cases we are short of a certain product, which means we have to disappoint customers because we cannot deliver them immediately, but are only ready for shipping a few days later.
In most cases, however, we have a small surplus of an article that would be a shame to destroy. We offer this surplus for auction. This can be per piece, per outer packaging or a combination of different lots. In this way we get back part of the production costs and we save the environment. All products that we auction can still be used for at least 10 days and will therefore reach you on time.

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